Tuesday, July 24, 2012

In the yearbook, how do you want to be remembered?

I dont know if I want to be remembered for anything. I didnt really do anything of significance that I would want to be remembered for.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Photoshop Heaven

photoshop tricks :D

                                                                 WINC logo
Magazine cover
can you find the ghost?{:
A celebrity of my choice (johnny depp)

                                                  Green Screen Before and afters!

                                                                  Luncheon Invite
                                                             Recipe Book Cover

Yearbook Cover

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Digital Ethics

Digital Ethics and Social Media. One of the things most people's lives revolve around. What people are doing, who's spending time with who, what the newest gossip is, celebrity or real life. Just take a look around, how many people are on Facebook or Twitter now, compared to when it first started out. The social media is all based on the drama of peoples lives. I think it has changed since my parents were in school, which was about 16 years ago, in a way where everyone wants to know the gossip, the drama, anything that will carry through the grapevine. My mom tells me stories and everyone stuck to their business. They didn't care about the he said/she said, or the newest pair of pants someone got.

Monday, July 16, 2012

What was my first week of the WIA summer program like?

My first week of the summer program was a nice experience. It has taught me some things on the computer that I wouldn't have known about. I like all the people in my "workplace" that I've worked with. Everyone gets along, and it's a very comfortable place to be.
So far I don't have any dislikes here.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Insight into my future!

Okay guys, time for my third post. Today I'm going to give you a little bit of insight into what career I'm planning to get into once I'm graduated from high school. Each logo has some kind of meaning to why I chose it. Lets begin.

Okay logo number one. The reason I chose this logo is because Psychology is the branch I want to get into. This logo lets you know that psychology is a way to get into a persons mind. To stir around thoughts and emotions a person has. But not in a bad way, to help them cope or to even to get out of a situation they are having.

Logo number two. This is the logo for the branch of psychology itself.

Finally, logo number three. This one says child psychology because that is the area I want to specialize in. I have had personal experiences as a child and I feel these days, children are put through more hardships then adults are, emotionally, sometimes physically as well. Children are also more vulnerable in my eyes and they are always in need of a friend that can be there to listen and be unbiased. A third party pretty much to just let them be comfortable and be worry-free.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What I'd look for in an employee.

Alright guys, here's the scenario. Lets say that I am the owner of the newest store "Kassy's Boutique" in the Birchwood Mall. I'm in need of some employees to help me run it but I don't want people who will keep my store from moving forward. Let me tell you what I would be looking for as an employer. First off, I would want an employee whose personality makes the customers feel at home and feel comfortable in the store. That means a smile on your face, willing to help a customer no matter what their wants or needs are, and satisfactory level of customer service. The second thing I would look for is a good sense for fashion in the work place. Working in a boutique would allow the employees to express their own fashion sense, but it would have to stay work appropriate. NO cleavage hanging out, NO to short of skirts; for guys, NO Cut offs of any kind, clean shoes. Just look professional. The third thing I would like is a semi-clean, if not perfectly clean, criminal record. I wouldn't feel safe knowing I have someone who has committed a major crime in my business. The fourth thing I would like is the enjoyment of being at work, i want my employees to be happy. A happy worker = happy customers. The fifth and final thing I would look for in an employee is honesty. If you messed up, admit to it and we can work it out. Once my trust is lost, you will have a hard time earning it back.

Just for some giggles I'll list what 5 behaviors I would not want in the workplace. I know I've touched on them in the above paragraph but I'll list them real fast for you guys.

1. Not willing to help the customers.
2. Dressed inappropriately
3. Unhappy workers
4. Lying/dishonesty
5. Causes to many problems in the workplace.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What is WIA to me?

A program that has given me chances that I would have never thought I could have ever had. The WIA facilitator that introduced me to this program has been nothing but nice and has helped me whenever I needed it. WIA has helped me to learn skills I will be able to use in the future, in my place of work. It has also helped me with building social skills that can be used not only in the place of work but in the real world as well. WIA to me, is a change in my life that has bettered me; and will continue to better me.